Atheism is simply a lack of belief in a high being, not hating God. You don’t really hate something that you don’t even believe exists.
When it comes to object morality, it’s still opinion, just God’s opinion.
Abstract videos:
Atheism and Libertarianism 8: The Argument from Morality (10:24)
Atheism and Libertarianism 9: "But...SOMALIA!!!" (12:28)
Libertarianism and Property Rights from First Principles (16:01)
Less recommended:
Richard Dawkins destroys absolute morality from God (2:28)
Morality Can't Be Objective, Even If God Exists (Morality p.1) (21:58)
Response videos:
The narrative that morality comes from religion & that the West needs a Christian revival in response to degeneracy & the rise of Islamic terrorism;
Atheism isn't Edgy or Amazing- It's Dying Out Worldwide
Black Pigeon Speaks Atheism and makes no points
The Theft of Our Values (40:22)
Is Atheism a "Bankrupt Religion"? (46:31)
(This also debunks the claim that society would be dysfunctional & violent without religion)
If There Is No God, Murder Isn't Wrong;
Murder Most Feh (8:53)
If There is No God, is Murder Wrong? (a Reply to Dennis Prager) (8:03)
Was America Founded to Be Secular? Confronting PragerU dishonesty (11:08)
Debunking If there is no God, murder isn’t wrong (13:11)
Secularism Made Easy for Dennis Prager
Not Judeo-Christian, George Washington on the real foundation of the United States (1:57)
Morality Can't Be Objective, Even If God Exists (Morality p.1) (21:57)
America is not a Christian Nation in an official/legal sense.
Constitution Lecture 9: Separation of Church and State
The west is not going to go down under because of the lack of Christianity. A country can be highly religious & still dysfunctional.