
Saturday, July 4, 2020

Morality does not require religion. Western Civilization's problems are not caused by the decline of Christianity. The West does not need Christianity.

Morality (or at least modern Western morality) did not really come from religion. It came from the Enlightenment. There’s also something called deontological ethics.
Atheism is simply a lack of belief in a high being, not hating God. You don’t really hate something that you don’t even believe exists.
When it comes to object morality, it’s still opinion, just God’s opinion.

Abstract videos:

Atheism and Libertarianism 8: The Argument from Morality (10:24)

Atheism and Libertarianism 9: "But...SOMALIA!!!" (12:28)

Libertarianism and Property Rights from First Principles (16:01)

Less recommended:
Richard Dawkins destroys absolute morality from God (2:28)

Morality Can't Be Objective, Even If God Exists (Morality p.1) (21:58)

Response videos:

The narrative that morality comes from religion & that the West needs a Christian revival in response to degeneracy & the rise of Islamic terrorism;

Atheism isn't Edgy or Amazing- It's Dying Out Worldwide
Black Pigeon Speaks Atheism and makes no points

The Theft of Our Values (40:22)
Is Atheism a "Bankrupt Religion"? (46:31)

(This also debunks the claim that society would be dysfunctional & violent without religion)
If There Is No God, Murder Isn't Wrong;

Murder Most Feh (8:53)

If There is No God, is Murder Wrong? (a Reply to Dennis Prager) (8:03)

Was America Founded to Be Secular? Confronting PragerU dishonesty (11:08)

Debunking If there is no God, murder isn’t wrong (13:11)

Secularism Made Easy for Dennis Prager

Not Judeo-Christian, George Washington on the real foundation of the United States (1:57)

Morality Can't Be Objective, Even If God Exists (Morality p.1) (21:57)

America is not a Christian Nation in an official/legal sense.

Constitution Lecture 9: Separation of Church and State

(FFRF’s July 4 ad counters Hobby Lobby disinformation - Freedom From Religion Foundation)

The Founding Fathers are tired of your bullshit.

The west is not going to go down under because of the lack of Christianity. A country can be highly religious & still dysfunctional.